Wow. My husband and I have talked and talked for years now about the kind of parents that we want to be (and hoped to be). At the top of the list was always Patient. I feel like one of the greatest things you can be as a parent is patient. But oh my stars if that isn't the toughest thing in the world when you've been awake every two hours for weeks to feed a baby who just might suck the sore, red, throbbing nipples right off your body and who just peed all over you, the changer, the floor and somehow the wall and is now screaming because you have to change his onesie and wipe everything down with a wipey because there is no way you can possible stand to bathe him again right now. Let's not mention the boob infection he gave me that put me back in the hospital or the stitches that haven't fully healed.
Ahh yes. It's moments like these. Moments when my teeth clinch and the anger rises and I just want to start screaming myself that I remember to take a deep, full, cleansing yoga breath. I haven't started my daily yoga practice again yet. Don't judge, newborns are SO time consuming and I can barely keep up with my business at all, and don't even image what my house looks like. But my past with yoga, meditation and study of Eastern philosophy has surly made me a better parent than I would have been otherwise.
Patience was not a characteristic that I was gifted with naturally. It's something I have worked very hard to understand and gain for myself. I'm proud of me today. And so so so thankful for yoga!
~Suddenly my number one goal in life is to feed my little one so much that he passes out for as long as possible in a milk coma~
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Welcome and what are we doing here
Hello hello and welcome to our blog for
Growing Up Geeky is a little shop dedicated to geekdom for babies, toddlers and kids and their adoring geeky parents. Everything we make is hand done and unique and all that. We are an off shoot of my mother company Live Steamy and came into existence while I was pregnant and getting all excited about all the things I could make for my own baby and then deciding to share those things.
Our most important link: is to our etsy shop where you can browse what is currently for sale and purchase items. You can also follow us, add our items to treasuries and <3 and share and pin like a mad man! But seriously every time you share one of our items you help us grow! So please feel free to spread us around.
Next we have our facebook: TA DA~ Our facebook is used not only for social media and will talk about deals and updates and what not but is also our gallery. Everything that Growing Up Geeky has ever made will be on there. Even special orders and sold items. We do this so everyone can see potential items and order their own version if they like. But also because it can be hard to part with your work sometimes, it's nice to be able to go back and see it all. *happy sigh* Again please like the page and share share share.
We have a joint twitter that we share with Live Steamy: fun stuff.
And of course the blog. (but I must warn you~ I'm a super slacker when it comes to blogging) On the blog we will of course post about the shop and new projects. Most importantly deals and sales (stay tuned for next post!!). But we will also share parenting stories and videos and studies and things I find interesting. We will post songs for linksy party ~Musical Mondays~ and talk about crazy fun things like that. And I hope that you'll read and enjoy and comment and share and forgive long absences ;) when they happen.
So to all the parents and loves of geekdom I give the biggest, warmest, giddiest welcome a person running on half hour sleep intervals can possibly muster. ~*~
Love to you and yours.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
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